10 reviews
- madelinehind
- Jun 8, 2013
- Permalink
The blurb on the back of my DVD begins: 'Four attractive young women...'
I'll stop right there: four attractive, young women??? Really? Not in the film I watched. Thanks to their wretched personalities, the women in this film are about as attractive as a package holiday to Syria. Even judged purely on their physical attributes, they're nothing special, with only actress Natalia Celino proving slightly memorable thanks to her enormous knockers (believe me when I say that her chest is the best thing about the whole film).
The blurb also describes this film as 'edgy and gory'. Well, if by edgy and gory they mean tired and predictable, with virtually no decent effects, then I guess they're right on the money. Deranged disappoints in almost every department. There's no atmosphere, zero scares, and sod all suspense: rather stupidly, the film begins by immediately revealing the identity of the killer, thereby making the entire whodunit aspect of the film totally redundant. And talking of totally redundant, that's exactly how I imagine the majority of the cast will be spending the rest of their professional acting careers.
I'll stop right there: four attractive, young women??? Really? Not in the film I watched. Thanks to their wretched personalities, the women in this film are about as attractive as a package holiday to Syria. Even judged purely on their physical attributes, they're nothing special, with only actress Natalia Celino proving slightly memorable thanks to her enormous knockers (believe me when I say that her chest is the best thing about the whole film).
The blurb also describes this film as 'edgy and gory'. Well, if by edgy and gory they mean tired and predictable, with virtually no decent effects, then I guess they're right on the money. Deranged disappoints in almost every department. There's no atmosphere, zero scares, and sod all suspense: rather stupidly, the film begins by immediately revealing the identity of the killer, thereby making the entire whodunit aspect of the film totally redundant. And talking of totally redundant, that's exactly how I imagine the majority of the cast will be spending the rest of their professional acting careers.
- BA_Harrison
- Nov 24, 2014
- Permalink
- dashielle89-425-132181
- Jan 10, 2014
- Permalink
Now you can't blame the movie for false advertising that's for sure. On the other hand, you'd wish this was more coherent, no matter what the title says - and that it would actually have decent acting in it. Which is not to say or blame those in front of the camera - sometimes when you are given something bad, there's almost no way to remedy it.
The twists are predictable to say the least and you probably do not care about a single one of them. Having said, I should have probably watched a Korean movie with the same title - when I came here I knew I'd give it a three. Doesn't happen often that I agree 100% with the average vote already given by others on imdb
The twists are predictable to say the least and you probably do not care about a single one of them. Having said, I should have probably watched a Korean movie with the same title - when I came here I knew I'd give it a three. Doesn't happen often that I agree 100% with the average vote already given by others on imdb
What can I tell you about this British horror flick. Not that much in fact except that it wasn't that good at all. The idea was rather okay but the way it is made isn't what makes a good horror flick. There's no real gore to spot even as it is stated that it is blood soaked. I can tell you,it isn't. Sure, there's blood everywhere but no gore with it attached. Further the acting itself is so bad that you just don't care about any chararcter.
Gabrielle (Marcia Do Vales) looks deranged but due the overacting it became a bit ridiculous. All elements are there to make her a sicky but it just doesn't fit. And it goes to worse because all other girls involved do look sexy but they are talking about being f*cked here and there but when they go for a swim then you might expect nudity, not at all. Only one scene involves some huge titties while being taken for the first time but even that becomes ridiculous when she is saying, it was my first time and bragging about it. At her age, she should have been taken a thousand times.
It could have been a good slasher but it is to be honest never scary or whatsoever. deranged, yes, if you are watching this.
Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Gabrielle (Marcia Do Vales) looks deranged but due the overacting it became a bit ridiculous. All elements are there to make her a sicky but it just doesn't fit. And it goes to worse because all other girls involved do look sexy but they are talking about being f*cked here and there but when they go for a swim then you might expect nudity, not at all. Only one scene involves some huge titties while being taken for the first time but even that becomes ridiculous when she is saying, it was my first time and bragging about it. At her age, she should have been taken a thousand times.
It could have been a good slasher but it is to be honest never scary or whatsoever. deranged, yes, if you are watching this.
Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Worst acting I've ever seen. I laughed quite a bit. If put under a comedy genre I'd give it a 6 hahaha
- nogodnomasters
- Aug 3, 2018
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- boopus_doopus
- Jan 27, 2024
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This film was good. I watched it with my bro and sis when they were alive and we all enjoyed it very well.
- stephentwhite-93261
- Oct 9, 2020
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