Safeword was filmed on a budget of $10,000, in director Chris Soth's home in Orange County, California.
Due to the film's disturbing content, director Chris Soth asked Edmonds if she wouldn't be opposed to having an open set on behalf of the writers. Edmonds agreed; but after a few hours of filming, all but two of the film's eight writers chose to leave the set. Apparently, the material was too difficult to watch performed live.
Safeword was written by eight writers.
SafeWord filmed in 2010. The final cut sold in 2014. Its release in 2015 was timed with that of Fifty Shades of Grey.
The cast received major scene re-writes for every single scene just moments prior to filming each one. This left actors relying on instinct, as opposed to intellect, when making choices. Lines had to be re-memorized on the spot. The original script is not at all what was shot.