I'm giving this three stars because of a few decent chuckles (and because I'm too darn polite), but "Bad Parents" is sooooooooooo sloooooow. Even with so many decent comedians cast, nobody shines. I considered writing spoilers for this movie, but it was so draggy that I couldn't consistently pay attention enough to write anything worthwhile. Believe me, I wanted so badly to like this. A quarter of the way through, when it hadn't really picked up, I stuck with it against my better judgment (and an almost involuntary urge to sue Netflix for suggesting this movie.) I recently watched "Dealin' with Idiots", which has a loosely similar premise (crazy kids' sports parents), but was much funnier. I don't know, I guess I just fell for good casting, and maybe if I was that sort of parent in real life, I'd "get" this movie more. All-in-all, this movie just doesn't work.