You know, considering this IS supposed to be dark humor I can give this the benefit of the doubt. Fine. But this was still a bad movie IMO. And not even because of the stuff that happens really. Solely because of the Playstation 1 level of cgi, the unrealistic amounts and placement of blood based on wounds, the crappy voice acting, and most of all the lack of plot and overall point that all three of these stories had. Seriously. The ONLY one that could have possibly gone anywhere was the last one, and that's only because it was so damn long. Not because it had any actual substance, but because it had enough length to actually be made into something. But it eventually falls into the same boat because the creator decided to go nowhere with it just like the other two stories. And that just leads to everything being nothing short of boring. What was the dog suppose to represent? What was he doing there? Why did he talk those kids into doing what they did? There's plenty of telling in this film but not enough showing. We don't get an actual reason as to why anything happened, they just did and that's that it seems. That's fine if it's suppose to be intentionally bad, but with something that was meant to be serious horror it's just God awful.
The only thing I got from this movie was a sense of "God hates us" since it's practically thrown in your face the entire time. That, and there is absolutely NO excuse for a movie made in 20-freaking-12 to have animation this half-assed and shitty. Absolutely none. I don't know if he was just bad at animation or what. If so, he should have had the sense to polish up on his animating skills before he put this eye sore out.
This could have been something good in the dark horror category, if not for the crap animation along with the nonsense/no explanation "plot" that honestly leaves you wondering why you would even bother to watch this in the first place.