After all the miserable failures to create a decent hax0r movie, this one is actually the first one that I have seen (and some things from Die Hard 4 also comes to mind) that has some sense and code in it that is not embarrassing. Kudos to Offensive Security guys that helped the movie gets some real hacking background, so that people who are writing the code don't look like morons typing holoprojected 3D cubes in hyperspace and instead coding in C, using Metasploit and win command line the proper way.
Movie itself has a decent premise, sort of a hacker holy grail. I understand that most of the people not coming from infosec community don't see some real meat here, but let me just say that some of the mentions in the credits of the movie outro are respected in infosec community. It might not be a fully fledged, 2h thriller keeping you on back of your seat, but it is THE BEST movie I have seen on the hacker culture that can fit into the 40 min format.