Blake Ritson credited as playing...
Glenn Millberg
- Kilov: I want you to teach my daughter to play the Jewish way.
- Glenn Millberg: [baffled] I'm not sure what you mean by that.
- Kilov: [teasing] Show her some of your little tricks.
- Glenn Millberg: O'kay, how about I teach her the C major scale for, let's say, £500 ?
- Kilov: [calmly] How about I break your hands?
- Glenn Millberg: Pardon?
- Kilov: How about I break your hands if you don't teach my daughter 'For Elsie' today?
- Glenn Millberg: [sees her tears] What's wrong?... I am the one who should be crying... Jesus... I always wanted to become a concert pianist... I'm 31, I can't pay my rent, and tomorrow I'll be living with my parents again... with broken hands.
- Mila: Glenn, take me!
- Glenn Millberg: What?
- Mila: [hugs him] Take me away from him!