1 review
Well, now that all the ratings and review (1) from the producers, family of the actors, friends, etc are out of the way, I'm putting in my two cents as a hapless Prime viewer looking for a horror movie, or if not horror, at least a movie that had a plot, dialogue that made sense, special effects that were more recent than those found in the middle 1980s, and left me with the feeling that I had not wasted a bit more than an hour on tripe and bilge.
There is nothing that commends this awful anthology of horror shorts other than to say that at least these performers were kept off the streets for a period of time and so we all could go about our business in the hopes that we might eventually be entertained. But there is no entertainment here. Better you should go watch "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" to see how really poorly a movie can be made - this is second rate schlock and not quite as awful. So I suppose that is the positive part of my review - it's not quite as bad as Birdemic.
There is nothing that commends this awful anthology of horror shorts other than to say that at least these performers were kept off the streets for a period of time and so we all could go about our business in the hopes that we might eventually be entertained. But there is no entertainment here. Better you should go watch "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" to see how really poorly a movie can be made - this is second rate schlock and not quite as awful. So I suppose that is the positive part of my review - it's not quite as bad as Birdemic.