Mold spreads around the town and the narrator doesn't seem to have much remorse, but instead wants to feel that suffering. People around town get infected by this mold that gets attached to anywhere, fruits, furniture. This mold causes the death of the narrators mother, and no one knows why it happens. The burning chair and the symbolism in this film is very well done, the fire meaning purification but also meaning destruction at the same time. The sunset or sunrise that could represent a close to a chapter or new beginnings. I think that this short film is very well made because it leaves you in your thoughts to try and figure out the point. There are many things to unpack from this film, and a discussion that could be made. What I think could have been done better in this film is the camera shots, I feel that in some certain scene the camera work could have done better to make the setting more ominous. But other than that I enjoyed the film very much.