1 review
I love this series, I love the plot and the connection with characters between the real world and fantasia. I found this show when I was 12 years old, Bastains age. I am now 14 and fly girl and Atreyus age. It's weird how that changed. I still wonder what happened with Xayide and Fallon in dark city (she probably just tries turning her into a drone like everyone else) I'm glad at least Gemma and April could get out of dark city. I hope Gemma and Bastian could get along better. I also like the friendship between Fallon and Bastian that they developed, and that she isn't a b!tch to him anymore.
Btw Xayide/Victoria Sanchez is so underrated throughout this series 🖤🖤
Btw Xayide/Victoria Sanchez is so underrated throughout this series 🖤🖤