Directed by Lee Sang-yong, "The Roundup: No Way Out" (2023) is an exciting new entry in the beloved crime action series that has won over fans with its fun mix of humor and high-octane thrills. The film features the incredible Ma Dong-seok, who returns as the easygoing yet tough detective, Ma Seok-do. His performance is truly engaging, striking a perfect balance between the film's comedic moments and the intense action that viewers have come to love - he simply owns the character from the beginning to the end!
The storyline is pretty straightforward, allowing everything to flow smoothly, which makes it easy for audiences to get into. This simplicity adds to its appeal, providing a solid base for the funny and action-packed scenes that play out. The plot revolves around Ma Seok-do's unwavering quest for justice, and his chill personality contrasts nicely with the mayhem surrounding him.
One of the film's highlights is its clever use of slapstick humor. There are plenty of funny moments that genuinely make you laugh, often stemming from the ridiculous situations Ma Seok-do finds himself in.
On top of that, the action scenes are thrilling, showcasing his iconic "steam hammer fist of justice." His physical presence and charm shine in every fight, delivering a satisfying mix of toughness and humor that keeps viewers engaged. The choreography is spot-on, ensuring that every punch and kick hits hard while still keeping that lighthearted vibe that makes the film so enjoyable.