The emperor punished Ling Buyi who punished the official secretly. Shaoshang pleaded him to forgive Ling Buyi but The Third Prince insisted to punished Ling Buyi strictly.
The Fifth Princess hold Shaoshang accountable for meeting with The Fifth Prince secretly but Shaoshang denied and insisted that she helped him when he was drowning. In order to helping Shaoshang, Ling Buyi let The Fifth Prince bring him to find the girls who tease Shaoshang.
Cheng Shaoshang guessed Ling Buyi might be doomed in Marquis Chengyang's Residence so she wanted to rescue him. Xiao Yuanyi and Cheng Shi supported her with their warriors.
Ling Buyi requested Cheng's family to do exercise every morning for becoming stronger. However, Cheng Family thinks it was so harsh with them, especially Shaoshang. She slipped out quietly and asked Qiqi to drink.
In the courtyard, Shaoshang and Ling Buyi were talking about his parents' past which made Shaoshang feel sorrow at him and also promise to treat him extremely well in the future.
The Third Princess wanted to bully Shaoshang in the ceremony but she was trapped by Shaoshang finally. The Third Princess's dress was burnt during worship so the bright dress was revealed and then make the Emperor angry.
Ling Buyi wondered why the Emperor's attitude changed and finally he found out that Shaoshang dealed with the matter. Ling Buyi reminded her not to step in the matter of the prince but Shaoshang was unhappy with that.