I stumbled upon the 2023 Dutch mystery thriller titled "Noise" by perusing the Netflix catalogue of movies. And with this movie, from director Steffen Geypens, being a brand new movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to watch it.
The synopsis sounded interesting enough to catch my attention. However, I didn't know what to expect from writers Steffen Geypens, Robin Kerremans and Hasse Steenssens.
However, the storyline was rather slow paced, dull and monotonous. Running at 89 minutes, there was surprisingly little of any worth taking place on the screen. There was nothing scary, nor were there the least bit of thrills or excitement either. And that made for a rather boring movie experience.
Given my limited exposure to the Dutch cinema, then I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. The acting performances in the movie were fairly okay, though the performers had very little material to work with.
Visually then you're not in for anything grant or exciting. But then again, since there was nothing thrilling or scary in the movie, then there really wasn't much use or necessity for special effects.
"Noise" was a swing and a miss of a movie. And believe me when I say that I am never returning to watch this movie a second time, because it was struggle to sit through it the first time. If you enjoy a good mystery thriller, then there are far, far better movies out there to pick from.
My rating of "Noise" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.