Baby Ruby follows an influencer that after her pregnancy is dealing with motherhood and its problems. The movie dives heavily into the subject of Postpartum and what it can do to the human psyche.
While the acting is fine and the whole thematic made me think twice about having kids I have to say that sadly I was bored for most of the time of the movie. You have our main character spiraling down into madness, imagining scenarios that are not really happening and you have a crying baby for pretty much 93 minutes. This gives the movie a pretty monotonous feel and prevents it to draw in the viewer for the watching experience.
Another thing that could have improved the movie would have been a smart plot twist, but since the movie does not do that it ends up being forgettable. However if you have experienced a pregnancy or Postpartum you might enjoy this movie but for me it was a boring watch. [4,2/10]