'The Bikeriders' was the name of the 1967 photo-book by Danny Lyon on which the film is based, but the title always intended as a working title during production. However, nobody could think of anything better so the name was kept for the release.
The song playing over the end credits, "Bikeriders" by Lucero, recaps the entire story-line of Benny and Kathy, despite being released in 2004, 20 years before this film was released. The song was written by Lucero member Ben Nichols, the brother of this film's writer and director, Jeff Nichols.
The biker gang that inspired the film still exists as of 2024 and is a rival to the Hell's Angels.
In October 2018, Jeff Nichols revealed he had been thinking about making a biker film set in the 1960s for five years, although he did not at that stage have a script, and mentioned the idea on the set of Long Way Back Home (2018) to Michael Shannon who reportedly told him "You've been talking about that damn idea for so long. You're never gonna make that [film]."