Piper Sheets credited as playing...
- [first lines]
- Jane Hammond: [whispering a bedtime story] Callie and Decca were two sisters. They were on a boat. They're in the water, and Callie said to Decca, "Decca, will you tell me the story about the upside-down tree again please?" And Decca said, "Once upon a time, there was an upside-down tree. And anyone who walked in through the door of its trunk would be immediately turned to good if they were bad." Callie said, "I would really like to see that tree sometime." They went on and on in the water. Can you make water?
- [making hand-shadow motions on the wall]
- Jane Hammond: Yeah.
- Jane Hammond: And then all of a sudden, they hit land... And all the animals joined them, 'cause they wanted to see the upside-down tree, too. They had a bunny rabbit. Can you make a bunny rabbit?
- [continues shadow-puppeting]
- Jane Hammond: Yeah, the bunny rabbits went, and there were... wolves. And there was a cheetah. And...
- Jane Hammond: [suddenly] No, don't eat my nose! I'm trying to tell a story. Are you a monster? Are you a monster eating my nose?
- [boy begins giggling]
- Jane Hammond: I'm so scared of monsters... " I wish I could find the upside-down tree," and they ran and they found the upside-down tree, but outside was a lion.
- Jane Hammond: "Get away from my tree. This is my tree." And Callie said, "Well, if it's your tree, Lion, why don't you go inside it?" Lion said, "All right, I will." And he went inside his tree. And his claws went back in his paws. He started smiling. He started relaxing. He said, "You're my friends, and all my friends are welcome here." And so Callie and Decca went into the upside-down tree, and they all lived happily ever after.
- Mary: Do good people ever turn bad in the upside-down tree?
- Jane Hammond: No. Good people never turn bad. Sweet dreams, baby...