Secret Diary of an American Cheerleader follows the story of Emma Franklin (Neva McIntosh), a high school and former Angels All-Star cheerleader who lost her way when her mother died, her father lost his job, and her family moved to a new town. Now living in a trailer home, Emma has given up cheer and tries to blend in to her new surroundings. But when she meets a new friend, Teisha (Tianna Chanel Flynn), she is convinced to join the Silver Extreme cheer team. Feeling the pressure of her new friends and team, Emma is embarrassed about the truth of her new life. Emma buries herself in lies to give herself a better image in her new friends eyes. But when her lies begin to unravel, her true self is revealed and her perfect new life begins to crumble. She is forced to come clean and hope that her new friends and team will still accept her and that her family will forgive her.