In a COVID-19 world where money is tight and job opportunities are sparse, a cheerful and charismatic woman, named Camila, struggles to pay the bills when business at her current job is slow. On the verge of being evicted, a new and unique job opportunity falls into her lap...virtual babysitting. Despite her lack of experience as a babysitter, she is hired by Roger, an ambitious lawyer, to babysit his daughter, SaMiah who loss her mother. Being able to relate, Camila works to build a strong relationship with SaMiah, almost like a surrogate mother. When Roger notices a positive change in SaMiah's attitude since hiring Camila, he takes a newfound interest in meeting the person his daughter has become fond of. After a family night and a dinner for two, Camila falls for her new boss and the feeling is mutual. A new romance starts to brew until Roger finds out Camila has a dirty little secret.