This film feels like it's playing in slow motion. Maybe that's why the running time is an absolutely RIDICULOUS 1hr 40 minutes!
Seriously, everything that could be bad about a movie is bad here. Voice acting, story, writing, dialogue, pacing, music, animation... Everything is wrong.
The music. Oh god the music. It's bizarre, and it all sounds like really bad stock music. The animation is the worst thing I think though. It's got some of the ugliest, wonkiest, most disturbing and uncanny visuals I've ever seen.
So that's why it's so distressing that it all drags by soooooo slowly... A walking scene that lasts for 40 seconds, reaction shots that linger after the talking is over, movements so slow that they look like they're underwater... It's painful.
That would be bad enough if it only lasted for 45 minutes or so, like most of these animated monstrosities. But 1hr 40 is just torture.
That's longer than 12 Angry Men. Or for another animated film, it's longer than My Neighbour Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies. That's what a movie can achieve within that time limit. Instead, what we are given in this movie, is LITERALLY an hour and a half of utter nonsense with no relevance to anything. It's not an exaggeration to say there's only around maybe 4 scenes of actual 'plot', and the rest of the running time is filled up with montages and bizarre party scenes which are stretched out with that frustratingly slow editing.
There's a lot (A LOT) of other things wrong with this (the voice acting in particular is hilarious but also embarrassing) but I have to stop thinking about this film now because it's making me hysterical again and the laughter is starting to hurt.
Overall this is the 2nd worst animated film I've ever seen and I'd give it a 0/10 if I could.