Boarding a subway train and man called Anthony is stabbed by a mugger who has snatched Anthony girlfriend's bag . As the mugger stands over him Anthony has a flashback to his childhood
Being a Dutch animated short film I jumped to the conclusion that this was set in The Netherlands . A slight mistake because if you watch this in that state of mind you'll find everything is overdone where Dutch stereotypes are involved and recent legislation means you can't buy cannabis or marijuana in their famous cafes , only if you're Dutch born and only if you're a member of that café . I'm digressing but it quickly becomes clear that soft drugs aren't the problem and that this is not set present day Netherlands , more of a apocalyptic wasteland blighted by drugs
The animation used here is excellent and resembles the best graphic novels . As the end credits rolled I saw it gave credits for the 3-D animators but I watched this on my laptop so have absolutely no idea if we're talking GRAVITY style achievement . If there's a downside I did have a slight problem in trying to work out what the film is trying to say . Obviously there's a statement on drugs in there somewhere but what is it ? Do we take a stance where law enforcement takes the battle to the dealers of hard drugs or do we legalise hard drugs to eliminate the black market ? Certainly the film screams drugs are bad but I think most of us all ready knew that