106 reviews
This movie will keep you entertained from beginning to end. It keeps you guessing the whole time. Many plot twists, but it all wraps up beautifully
- grifftrain2000
- Apr 15, 2020
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- averyatwood-dounay
- Aug 14, 2022
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I have no words for this movie. Like yeah i could say how awful it is and how the film making is supremely incompetent, but it is just engaging all the way through and one of the funniest movies i have seen.
Love on a leash is quite possibly the most fantastically confusing film you will ever watch, there is no possibility of describing the film in full to anyone as for the most part it makes close to no sense, making the Room seem on a similar level of filmmaking to the Godfather. However I feel a solid performance from Alvin Flang saves this film and helps it to score high as well as the soundtrack really bringing extra feel to an experience that cannot be described in any way, if you haven't seen it, just watch it, you'll need mental councilling post-watch but it's worth it.
- willsbarnes15
- Mar 19, 2018
- Permalink
"Love on a Leash" is the masterpiece among bad movies. Forget about "The Room," go watch this one!
P.s. the soundtrack is my favorite!
P.s. the soundtrack is my favorite!
It's a comedy and I honestly can't remember the last time I've laughed so much at a movie, so it completely succeeds in a big way at that.
Don't look up any spoilers, just watch it and I guarantee you'll have a good time, in a weird and unexpected way.
Don't look up any spoilers, just watch it and I guarantee you'll have a good time, in a weird and unexpected way.
- victorjsbl
- Feb 24, 2018
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It's hard to talk about "Love on a Leash" using words, language is something unable to define what the movie is about and what it tries to express in those 90 minutes.
It is and it isn't.
If you liked "The Room" or any bad good movie you should watch this. (Avalaible on Amazon Prime).
"Love on a Leash" is a movie from 2011, that I decided to watch because of the "How Did This Get Made" Podcast. It still has the implausibly high rating of 8.1 on the IMDB, caused by a youtuber asking his followers to give the movie a 10 score. It is one of the most incomprehensible pieces of garbage you're ever likely to endure, but it is at least so bad that it's funny.
Alvin Flang (Stephen Glickman) is a dog, but I think he used to be a human (doesn't matter). A magic. . . Puddle (doesn't matter) tells him that he can be a human again if a woman falls in love with him. He choses Lisa (Jana Camp) for some reason (doesn't matter). Lisa has two lunatics in her life already, Frank (Rob Lanza) whose mother has him on a strict regimen of food, so that his son can become President (doesn't matter) and Kyle (Shane Ayon) a gay man, who wants a sham marriage to fool his family. He's the owner of a very low rent clothing store but seems to think he can buy her diamonds (doesn't matter).
So, on a superficial level this abjectly terrible. The acting is awful, the script and story are risible, and the camera work and lighting are shoddy, indeed Lisa looks like she's in zombie make up in many of the scenes. The whole endeavour is not helped by the version on Youtube having the score unceremoniously torn out, which often included the sound effects, leading to long scenes that happen in abject silence. It's like a fever dream of cuts and stock footage, of ducks mostly, who knows why.
The voice over of the dog is done by Stephen Glickman and it definitely feels like he's watching the footage and making up his own story as he goes on. He comments on the scenes in almost a mocking MST3K style, but he's not by any means that level of witty. The are certain scenes that really don't work because of this, such as the harrowing near assault that's juxtaposed with these witticism of a second-rate comedian.
But you can't not laugh at the film at times, and it's, frankly, wild mix of melodrama and low rent comedy. It is very low budget too, so you have to cut it a little slack for that. Not much though, this is terrible.
Alvin Flang (Stephen Glickman) is a dog, but I think he used to be a human (doesn't matter). A magic. . . Puddle (doesn't matter) tells him that he can be a human again if a woman falls in love with him. He choses Lisa (Jana Camp) for some reason (doesn't matter). Lisa has two lunatics in her life already, Frank (Rob Lanza) whose mother has him on a strict regimen of food, so that his son can become President (doesn't matter) and Kyle (Shane Ayon) a gay man, who wants a sham marriage to fool his family. He's the owner of a very low rent clothing store but seems to think he can buy her diamonds (doesn't matter).
So, on a superficial level this abjectly terrible. The acting is awful, the script and story are risible, and the camera work and lighting are shoddy, indeed Lisa looks like she's in zombie make up in many of the scenes. The whole endeavour is not helped by the version on Youtube having the score unceremoniously torn out, which often included the sound effects, leading to long scenes that happen in abject silence. It's like a fever dream of cuts and stock footage, of ducks mostly, who knows why.
The voice over of the dog is done by Stephen Glickman and it definitely feels like he's watching the footage and making up his own story as he goes on. He comments on the scenes in almost a mocking MST3K style, but he's not by any means that level of witty. The are certain scenes that really don't work because of this, such as the harrowing near assault that's juxtaposed with these witticism of a second-rate comedian.
But you can't not laugh at the film at times, and it's, frankly, wild mix of melodrama and low rent comedy. It is very low budget too, so you have to cut it a little slack for that. Not much though, this is terrible.
- southdavid
- Oct 3, 2022
- Permalink
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a movie. I have nothing to say other than I can't recommend this enough. PLEASE watch this absolute gem and I swear your life will be changed for the better.
- startistmouse
- Apr 13, 2018
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I love the meme as much as anyone else, but nothing about the movie in and of itself is remotely entertaining, not even ironically. Despite only being 80 minutes in somehow still feels like it goes on for far too long due to the atrocious pacing, and that combined with the fact that there is literally NO sound other than the dialogue makes it one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. The only parts that are a little bit funny on their own are the two or three occasions, which take up about 15 seconds put together, where the scene is sped up for no reason, and there's still no sound or music whatsoever. Overall, I would never recommend this movie on its own, but I would certainly recommend RalphTheMovieMaker's video if you haven't seen it.
- TheEoghShowOld
- Oct 29, 2019
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In a world where Hollywood is dominated by white men, it's refreshing to see a woman making a film like love on a leash. This piece of cinema is many things but I assure you it is never boring. Think "The Shape of Water" with a touch of "The Shaggy Dog" although Love on a Leash surpasses both in scope, sound design and writing alone. If I could give it 11 stars I would. This film touches on so many important political issues, which is a bold move in a world where rom coms are designed to be safe and non confrontational, Love On a Leash doesn't shy away from some of the uglier facts of life, which only makes the love between Lisa and her dog Alvin Flang (or Prince) that much more heartfelt. I showed this movie to my girlfriend and she became my wife 40 minutes into the movie. It's that good. I highly recommend it. You will laugh you will cry and you'll be taken on an unforgettable emotional roller coaster.
Jana (Jana Parker) works in a clothing store in her town, where she is an attentive employee. Having a nice best friend, she confides she would like to find her "perfect love". Until then, she is not dating very much and is quite wary of men. At the store, a kind fellow employee seems to be attempting to work up the courage to ask her for a date while the boss, secretly, wants to force unwanted attentions on Jana. One day, a dog follows Jana home. Ah, but this isn't an ordinary homeless dog. This canine is REALLY a prince under an evil spell until he finds a woman to kiss and declare true love. How about them apples? So, first Jana adopts the dog, Another friend tries to fix Jana up with a widower with one son and an extremely overbearing Mother. This does not go well at all. After many tears over dates "gone wrong", she says the magic words to Prince the dog and POOF! He becomes a man. But, what the heck, now he's only a man at night and a dog by day. Jana is too confused to handle the situation. How will it end? All I can say is: Stay away! Despite the leading lady's winning ways, the production is awful. Camera work is amateurish, the story goes on far too long and at a snail's pace while the man playing Prince is totally ridiculous. Seeing Love on a Leash is like having the leash wrapped around your neck and getting tighter with no end in sight!
I can say without a shred of sarcasm that this was a very memorable viewing experience. Can I honestly say that this is because Love on a Leash is a good film? No. Love on a Leash is a dumpster fire. From a technical aspect, this film is complete failure.
However, due to its sheer ineptitude and batshit story this film is a genuine stand out. Say what you will, all criticisms are most likely valid. But at least Love on a Leash is memorable, which is more than I can say about a majority of major studio releases.
- superpie-18839
- Feb 22, 2018
- Permalink
Fantastic movie. From the acting, to the lack of score, to the effects, to the sound editing, it's simply a flawless masterpiece.
The movie is always leaving you questioning what's gonna happen next and it always pays off. Tension is built to the point of no return and is relieved in the most emotionally touching way. The acting is beautiful, the musical score amplifies the emotional tension and relief, and the story is flawless. I can't recommend this movie enough. Truly a wonder to behold. If I could rate this a 45/10 I would.
- renniepfouts
- Dec 22, 2019
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John Cage, Schoenberg, Stockhausen can all be heard as underlying influences in this magnificent soundtrack, the music in this film adds so much subtlety and nuance to an already highly emotional motion picture. A complete masterpiece!
- mbotello-76182
- Mar 21, 2021
- Permalink
Don't waste your time it is a horrible movie. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Every single Disney film I have seen is better than this crap. I would give it a 0/10 if I could.
This film is a quirky, fun-for-the-whole-family Masterpiece. Cant belive it hasnt gotten more attention...I enjoyed it way more than I did the dull-fest "The Revenent"...too much gore, too much for impressionable children. Thank you, whoever made this God-honoring movie...xx
- janerin-50685
- Jul 16, 2018
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One of the worst movie I have ever seen. Every Disney movie is better than this movie. Zero music makes a movie suck. I would give it a 0/10 if I could
Love on a Leash isn't the greatest movies, but if you're looking for a laugh it's 100% the best choice. It's beyond entertaining and has a lot of heart put into it.
- statmorehayden
- Mar 21, 2018
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Anyone here who is saying it's a so-bad-it's-good movie is out of their minds. This is a bad bad movie, really truly terrible and I found nothing redeeming about it. It's not good-bad like Samurai Cop, Ninja Busters, Dangerous Men, Miami Connection, or Chopping Mall - Love on a Leash is truly garbage and you will find yourself wishing for the time you spent watching it back.
- craigfordavid
- Jan 1, 2022
- Permalink
I started watching with low expectations thinking it would be another stereotypical romance movie but I was instantly surprised. The main characters are all surprisingly charming and likable. The audience instantly understands each action these characters make. The audio quality is beautiful and the music just amazing and suits each scene perfectly. The end was a twist that made sense with the rest of the movie and matched flawlessly, it was so surprising and beautiful it made me and everyone present cry. An absolutely unforgettable experience.
- lulupittaluga
- Jan 10, 2019
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I don't use the phrase "oscar worthy" lightly. But move over Citizen Kane! This movie deserves every award, for the acting, the music, the truly stunning cinematography. This movie broke my heart and left me contemplating existence and the meaning of humanity for weeks after. Thank you to all the wonderful people who made the movie that truly changed my life.
- sybilblackmon
- Dec 22, 2019
- Permalink
All jokes aside this movie really is an absurdist masterpiece. It has to be experienced to be believed. My jaw was on the floor, otherwise I would have died from laughter!
- injury-65447
- Sep 27, 2020
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