Ratcat - Reviewing your games for Performance in 3D! To start a game and be fully hooked within ten minutes is an aspiration many game developers would aim for and Dead Space 3 does it in spades. This review includes information for those wanting to know if this game is playable in 3D. first off the 3D was not great but playable. NVidia rate it as 'Fair' which is correct because the developers (lets call them 'Gods' at this point') despite creating a fabulous sojourn have obviously not put the added work in to make this game great in 3D. The problems are your normal smoke, shadows, light etc on the 2D plane making it difficult to work out where you are at. No problem ladies and Germs, the great and wonderful Helix has come to the rescue (again) with his 3D fix download. http://helixmod.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/game-list-full.html Once the 3D fix has been installed this game is absolutely brilliant in 3D. Isaacs head will come out of your screen at you to the centre of the keyboard at one stage if you have convergence and strength up high. You cant go all the way with convergence because you will just go cross-eyed! Now for the formal review. If you haven't played 1 or 2 for a long time then expect at least 20 minutes or more to become re-acquainted with the controls but if this is your first time playing Dead Space expect a bit of a learning curve although once that is all out of the way Dead Space 3 is fun and action! Intricate puzzles and objectives designed to keep you on the move and a decent story line keep you all the more captivated. This time there is a marked change of scenery but you do have the gradual upgrade to your armour, stasis and weapons as before. As with all my game reviews there is no need to go into great detail because they are rated on sheer enjoyment. If you are playing simply to say you have clocked a game you may play it all the way through just for the hell of it but in the case of Dead Space 3 well... its enjoyable all the way. Along with the side missions there are many hours of gameplay which is a refreshing change from the usual 6 - 8 hour bullet storm. Playing in full 3D is totally different from normal plane (plain) 2D and this release of the franchise is simply breathtaking. Don your spacesuit and go out into space and you really feel the vacuum and distance to objects and debris floating past your head. The development team deserve every cent they make for every scene has such detailed graphics. Of course graphics means something different for everyone so to expand on that well textures, object definition, physics... just about everything has been mastered. With excellent game dynamics and totally perfectly rendered environments one would have to assume that the people behind this awesome feat are highly intellectual - lets say University degree graphics designers, Engineers and Physics majors just for a start so its no surprise that the idea behind the tool construction bench is a little daunting only because for these highly creative minds they assume the average person can easily construct a weapon with a multitude of options - unfortunately this is not the case. Complaints have been noted and hopefully the next Dead Space in the franchise will be toned down just a tad. As a side note, enjoyment for some is different for others. If you play all the same genre of game IE: 3rd person shooters and nothing else you may find yourself a little tired of all the same thing so switch to a 1st person or point and click once in a while. You will find yourself pleasantly surprised and when you go back to your preferred game style you will be all the more happier. The majority of reviewers here are basing their decisions on previous instalments of the game but you would be well advised to leave at least a few months between play. How well do you remember Die hard 1? Die hard 2 was a totally different experience due to the amount of time that has passed. The average FPS gamer may find this game a little daunting with such an array of controls and puzzles to work out let alone the suit upgrade terminals so if you are at least a general PC user with a little tech knowledge you should find it a breeze. My hat goes off to the hard working team that has brought this masterpiece to the unforgiving public. 9 out of 10 rubber chickens. Spend your money on this game - that's an order soldier! If you want to know how well a game works in 3D send me an email at ratcat@live.com and I will review the title.