When the stepmother tosses the pail of lentils into the fireplace, the pail contains barely enough lentils to cover the bottom. When Cinderella and the birds have placed them back inside, the pail is full within a couple of inches of the top. And when Cinderella later presents the pail to her stepmother, it is again not very full.
The hair that the Baker's wife takes from Rapunzel is considerably shorter in subsequent shots.
A "Blue Moon" is the second full moon that occurs in the same calendar month (which happens infrequently, thus leading to the saying "Once in a blue moon"). However, the pictures shown of the moon at midnight are all of nearly-new moons, with just a thin sliver visible.
The giant gold coins and egg are carried effortlessly. As gold is 70% denser than lead, they would not be able to lift them.
The witch says that she cannot touch the ingredients for the potion, but she leans her hand on the cow as Jack is milking her.
The Witch can use magic to teleport and, therefore, would not need to climb Rapunzel's hair to get into the tower. However, viewers have no idea what magical powers she is prepared to reveal to Rapunzel. It is quite possible she does not want to be thought of as a witch.
Rapunzel's hair was cut off by the baker's wife but shortly after it is full length again when the prince leaves the tower and the witch climbs up. After the witch scolds Rapunzel she then cuts off her hair and banishes her to the swamp and her hair remains short after this throughout the rest of the movie.
The witch says she cannot touch the ingredients, but while she is scolding Rapunzel for seeing her prince, she grabs Rapunzels hair and cuts it off.
A camera (or cameraman) can be seen in the puddles on the left during The Baker's Wife's first interaction with Cinderella.
Cinderella's shoes get stuck to the stairs but not her feet or dress.
The baker's wife exchanges her shoe for Cinderella's, however, she does not give it to her and Cinderella runs off bare-foot.
Rapunzel's prince mounts his horse on the wrong side.
(around 1:09) After the narrator explains about Cinderella's sisters he continues on to explain about Rapunzel saying:
"As for Rapunzel, the witch had banished her to a swamp in the darkest depths of the forest."
This would appear to be a script error as the woods are referred to as a forest.