Darryl Tonemah credited as playing...
Chief Ross Swimmer
- Chief Ross Swimmer: You and Charlie making progress out there can be seen as a threat, for some people. If you start registering new Cherokees out in Bell, well, that brings new voters into play. And there's plenty of folks lining up to run against me. Look, we're not saying do anything different. But I did think it was important to give you a heads up.
- Wilma Mankiller: Appreciate that. And I'll give you a heads up: this project will not fail.
- Chief Ross Swimmer: I wanna let you know that word's been getting out about your project.
- Wilma Mankiller: That's great.
- Deputy Jackson: Not everyone thinks it's a good idea.
- Wilma Mankiller: Why wouldn't they?
- Deputy Jackson: Thing gets a lot of attention. Poor Cherokees pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. Press will eat it up.
- Wilma Mankiller: Well that's a good thing isn't it?
- Deputy Jackson: Well if it doesn't work, we got front page stories about full-blooded Cherokees falling flat on their faces.