Ben Hardy credited as playing...
Oliver Jones
- Oliver Jones: Cumulus clouds. Best clouds ever. They're the only thing on this earth that looks like how you drew it as a kid.
- Oliver Jones: I think it's working.
- Hadley Sullivan: What, you being charming?
- Oliver Jones: No. Me distracting you. It's good to know that you think I'm charming, though.
- Oliver Jones: I tried to measure my mum's life in numbers. It's what I do. Mum, you know this about me. It's what I do with everything. It helps me make sense of the world, I guess. The thing is, is that, Tessa Jones is not a number. She's not the plays she acted or the meals she made or the advice she gave... She's my mum.
- Hadley Sullivan: I'm down for a cheesy rom-com, as long as there's a happy ending.
- [realizes the double entendre]
- Hadley Sullivan: You know what I meant.
- Oliver Jones: Okay.
- Hadley Sullivan: I meant happy ending like...
- Oliver Jones: [speaks over] No, no, it's fine.
- Hadley Sullivan: [continues] like in the movie with the characters and the...
- Oliver Jones: Hey, I like happy ending... s.