Rebecca Hall credited as playing...
Evelyn Caster
- Will Caster: I need you to wait here.
- Evelyn Caster: What? Where are you going?
- Will Caster: Everywhere.
- Joseph Tagger: Will?
- Will Caster: You surprised to see me, Joseph?
- Joseph Tagger: Um... That depends.
- Will Caster: On what?
- Joseph Tagger: Can you prove you're self-aware?
- Will Caster: That's a difficult question, Dr. Tagger. Can you prove that you are?
- Evelyn Caster: Well, he certainly hasn't lost his sense of humor.
- Max Waters: I spent my life trying to reduce the brain to a series of electrical impulses. I failed. Human emotion, it can contain illogical conflict. Can love someone, and yet hate the things that they've done. Machine can't reconcile that.
- Evelyn Caster: Can you?
- Max Waters: Yes.
- Evelyn Caster: What are we doing, Will? We can't fight them.
- Will Caster: We're not gonna fight them. We're gonna transcend them.
- Will Caster: The balance of oxytocin and serotonin in your system is unusual.
- Evelyn Caster: Are you - are you measuring my hormones?
- Will Caster: I'm trying to empathize. Bio-chemistry is emotion.
- [from the trailer]
- Will Caster: [Distraught] You've changed... have you fallen out of love with me?
- Evelyn Caster: [Reassuring] No
- Will Caster: [Demanding] Have You?
- Evelyn Caster: Will, this is wrong. This is - these are my thoughts! These are my feelings! You're not allowed!
- Will Caster: Evelyn.