- Staying Afloat revolves around the life of Lucas Mayne, a good-natured young man who has a serious addiction to keeping his family, friends, and girlfriend happy. Lucas hides another secret of addiction that inevitably reveals its ugly self as Lucas learns of betrayal from his girlfriend, best friends and father. He discovers his best friend of childhood, Max, has overdosed and died after finding his son was taken from him and he had no one to turn to but the streets and the pain relief of opiates and dope. The nature of Max and Lucas's friendship is shown through the revolution of their introduction into addiction, and why it is so impossible to stay sober when you feel you have nothing left to live for. Lucas Mayne goes through a roller coaster ride in this film and the audience will be taken on this ride with him as he discovers that he has come to his crossroads at such a young age. To make matters worse he lets his emotions get the best of him and the drugs that he becomes addicted to replace the people in his life that aren't there for him.—Anonymous
- Lucas Mayne was accepted into Harvard Law, following in the footsteps of his alcoholic father Scott Mayne, a successful Boston District Attorney. Lucas returns home to find out his best friend has long been dead due to an overdose that his friends and longtime girlfriend have kept a secret from him. Something inside Lucas snaps that takes him on a journey that he won't forget.
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