Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Destination Truth, and Haunted Highway. One of these shows is different, one of these shows doesn't have a camera crew. That show would be Haunted Highway.
The fact that the Haunted Highway team doesn't have a production crew following them around on their hunts makes for a more dramatic show, with a better foot in reality than other paranormal reality shows. That doesn't necessarily mean that the shows aren't good, it's just that Haunted Highway grasps attention better than, say, Destination Truth, a show which keeps me wondering what parts are fabricated for the cameras, and what's unscripted. I've been a HUGE fan of Destination Truth since the beginning, but the atmosphere is utterly non-existent in contrast to Haunted Highway. The smaller 2-person teams, the choice of cryptids, all make the show that much better.
Jack Osbourne is a wise man. He knows his ghosts, and he knows his cryptids. He will be on the hunt, looking for evidence, but he won't try to fool you. He has the ability to say that not every investigation comes up clean, not every place is haunted, and not every cryptid is more than legend. That being said, sorry about the sclerosis, Jack! :(
Jael and Devin have experience from being on Fact or Faked, and Jael has also previously been on Destination Truth. She's as professional as you can get in the monster-hunter world.
If you haven't seen Haunted Highway, I suggest you give it a shot. It's not for everybody, but for the believers out there..