- Village Voice [Aaron Hillis]
- A Nutshell Review [Stefan S]
- Access Bollywood [Kathy Gibson]
- Amodini's Movie Reviews [Amodini Sharma]
- Amul's Blog [Amul Garg]
- Balcony Row [Mansi Dutta]
- Bharat Ke Rang [French]
- Bollywood Hungama [Taran Adarsh]
- Bollywood.lv
- BollywoodMDB.com
- Cinema Confessions [Gautam Anand]
- CineNervana [Pranit Sahni]
- Digital Spy [Priya Joshi]
- DilFilmy.com [Bobby Sing]
- Film Business Asia [Derek Elley]
- Film Impressions [Deepa Deosthalee]
- GingerChai.com [Lakshmi Rajan]
- Great Movie Reviews [Ankyuk]
- Madaboutmoviez [Souvik Gupta]
- madaboutmoviez.com [Sudeep Nigam]
- Meera's Film Blog [Meera Darji]
- Molodezhnaja
- German
- Movie Geek's Blog [Amrit Rukhaiyaar]
- Movie Mezzanine [Danny Bowes]
- MovieReviewPreview.com [Divaker Bhalla]
- MoviezAdda.com [Aakash Barvalia]
- New York Times [Rachel Saltz]
- SBS Film [Russell Edwards]
- Schneeland [Michael Schleeh]
- German
- ScreenAnarchy [J Hurtado]
- Tanqeed.com [Sputnik]
- The Asian Cinema Blog [Agne Serpytyte]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Deborah Young]
- TheCritiqueLab.com [AvA]
- Hindi
- TOTALinformer.com
- Variety [Ronnie Scheib]
- wogma - WithOut Giving the Movie Away [meetu]
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