When a tight knit group of high school kids pull a prank on one of their friends...it causes the target of the prank to snap, and murder the boy who set her up.
Fast forward two years later, and we have this same group reconnecting at a cabin in the woods.
Where they start being hunted by a not-so mysterious killer.
Because, on top the plot being horribly constructed.
What's supposed to be the "twist" at the end...is just way too predictable.
With the bulk of the film being almost entirely irrelevant to the conclusion.
The whole movie is just loathesomely bad, on practically every front.
And is barely able to hold your attention.
The fact that not a whole lot happens in the run-up to the underwhelming finale...just renders the whole thing to be overtly boring.
The pillow fight (seemingly for which the film is named) is inexplicably forced into the story; characters are thrown in, simply for the sake of dying (and upping the kill count); while plot elements are introduced, and just left as loose ends.
Also...if you think about it...the killer could only ever be one of two people.
And they make the one one option so obvious, that you just reject even considering it as being reasonable.
So, by process of elimination, it's really not that hard to sus out who the killer is, pretty much straight from the get-go.
Thus, the whole thing is just way too predictable, in it's blatant (yet failed) attempt to be unpredictable.
Not to mention, the whole thing is poorly written, poorly acted, and poorly constructed.
With no attention to detail.
And a finale so underwhelming, it's almost funny.
But it's not.
And the kills suck.
Rendering the whole thing borderline unwatchable.
It's only redeeming value, whatsoever, is quite literally, it's rad post punk soundtrack.
So do yourself a favour and pass this one by.
It's just not worth the time wasted.
1.5 out of 10.