Evert Houston credited as playing...
- Jeremy Geer: Hey, you can't talk to her like that.
- Rocco: Says who?
- Jeremy Geer: Says me.
- Rocco: Mind your own business. We're having fun. Right, sweetie?
- Noelle: No, we're not.
- Jeremy Geer: Yeah, I'll mind my own business when you apologize to her.
- Rocco: You think I won't swing on you because of your hand?
- Jeremy Geer: Go ahead. Take a swing.
- [he raises his voice]
- Jeremy Geer: But not before you tell everyone in here what you said to this woman.
- Rocco: [he turns to Noelle] Your loss.
- [he turns back to Jeremy]
- Rocco: Whatever. I'm out of here.
- Noelle: You did not need to do that.
- Jeremy Geer: Pretty sure I did.
- Noelle: But what if he'd hit you?
- Jeremy Geer: Would have gone down really hard, sprawled out on the floor, bleeding, moaning in pain. If I was even still conscious. Anyway, it would have been a devastating scene.
- Noelle: But you were willing to risk it all... to stand up for me?
- Jeremy Geer: Well, the way I saw it, it was kind of a win-win. If he'd hit me, you would have felt bad for me, and possibly given me your number out of pity.
- Noelle: Is that what you want?
- Jeremy Geer: I've been kind of wanting to ask you since I met you. But I'm not trying to put any pressure on you. I do not want to act like that guy, so...
- Noelle: You are nothing like that guy.
- [she writes down her number and gives it to him]
- Jeremy Geer: Okay, I have to warn you. Now that I have this, I'm actually going to call you.
- Noelle: You'd better. Don't be one of those guys that waits, like, three days.
- Jeremy Geer: Three days? You kidding me? No, I'm more of a six-to-eight months kind of guy. Well, I like to wait until the person has no idea who I am.
- Noelle: Or you could just call me tonight.
- Jeremy Geer: Yeah, I guess tonight would work.
- [he starts to walk away, but forgets his takeout food bag and returns]
- Jeremy Geer: That last exit was so smooth, though, right?