If you read the negative reviews not 1 gave the show more than a few minutes or past 1 episode. Some reference Reno 911. No one can judge what a show is going to be after 1 episode. The first episode of The Wire doesn't do justice to what watching the entire series becomes. The point is if you stayed with it through the first season you would have found out what a truly touching show this is. You wish the best for everyone involved in the show, and genuinely grow to care for them. The morons that did not give the show the chance it deserved that threaten to quit watching AMC, I say good. AMC is the only non premium channel making television as great as the premium channels are. No other network comes close. I also find it funny they state only two shows on AMC. The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. The don't even mention Mad Men or The Killing. Arguably the two better shows. So you go to the other networks, and have fun watching poor mans versions of premium cable television. Leave the grade A stuff for the people that are able to comprehend intelligent material.