Chantal Quesnelle credited as playing...
- Chucky: [during a flashback when Charles Lee Ray kidnapped Nica's mother when she was pregnant with her] It's gettin' late, and I'm gonna go pick up Barbie at day-care.
- Sarah: No!
- [pause]
- Sarah: I mean, shouldn't we have some time alone together?
- Chucky: What about family time?
- Sarah: Later...
- [pause]
- Sarah: Right now I want to have you all to myself.
- Chucky: Sarah. Sarah, you've had me all day!
- Sarah: It isn't enough.
- Chucky: That's a selfish fucking attitude for a mother to take!
- Sarah: You don't wanna share me with her?
- Chucky: No. No. Well, what's gonna happen when the baby comes? Are you gonna keep her from me, too?
- [pause]
- Chucky: Because that would be very hurtful to me!
- [pause]
- Chucky: And you wouldn't wanna see me get hurt, would you? Would you? Would you?
- Chucky: [Sarah had apparently grassed Charles to the cops after Charles sees them arrive at his lair] Why? Why would you want to destroy this family?
- Sarah: You destroyed my family!
- [spits at him]
- Chucky: No. I told you. I always had a thing for families. Especially kids.
- [Chucky stabs Sarah's womb]
- Nica: [Realizing why she's paralyzed] You did this to me?
- Chucky: No, Nica. YOU did this to me. You and your mommy.
- [Flashback to the toy store scene from the original film]
- Chucky: She betrayed me. Got me killed. But I knew a way to come back. Took me 25 years. But believe me, it was worth the wait.
- [first lines]
- Sarah: [doorbell rings; Nica sits occupied on her laptop, surfing travel websites] Nica?
- [doorbell keeps ringing]
- Sarah: Nica, there's somebody at the door.
- Nica: I'm busy!
- Sarah: Nica, please!
- Nica: [annoyed] God.
- [Nica wheels herself away from her laptop and goes to answer the door]
- Sarah: What are you doing that's so important?
- Nica: I was playing solitaire...
- Sarah: The computer cheats, you know.
- Nica: Yeah, well, I'm used to that.
- Nica: [after flirting with the delivery guy at the door] Was that guy hitting on me?
- Sarah: Baby, you're beautiful...
- Nica: [smiles] Thank you, but I... I think that guy was hitting on me. Maybe I should go ask him out.
- Sarah: Nica, he was just being nice!
- [Nica glares]
- Sarah: I'm sorry. Oh, honey, I just don't ever want to see you get hurt.
- Nica: [Sarah observes her package] I thought you swore off the Home Shopping Network.
- Sarah: I haven't bought anything in three weeks.
- Nica: Maybe you have a secret admirer.
- Sarah: You sound threatened.
- Nica: No. Not at all...
- [pause]
- Nica: I just wouldn't want to see you get hurt.