"Meet the Hutteries" television series is modern life. If we have jobs and protocols in life then we must behave in certain ways if we want to keep and not lose our job and even family connections!! For instance, if people use what some perceive as racist language they have lost their jobs in many cases across the country. People lose their job if they get arrested for any reason in some jobs such as education. It is part of the board of education policy for dismissal if arrested. A prominent news reporter was released when it was found he embellished a story. I felt that the show was not scripted any more than any other show of its kind because the Hutterites would object to someone else writing the script. Hutterites had to do it themselves or they would have stopped production. A search shows that the reason the show was stopped was the district elders began to object once they found the colony was doing a television series. I think it gives a huge insight into a somewhat and mostly cloistered culture that is adapting remarkably to modern life complete with using computers and cell phones while attending public school and college for some of them. Catholic monks are using computers today and have their own web sites. "Meet the Hutterites" is an inspiring farm and ranch style colony who follow Joseph Hutter's teachings and ways from the 16th century. That to me is amazing. Consider that it is true of all people in various ways. We have traditions which go back much farther than might be thought on the surface. Take celebrations like carnivals, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Mardi Gras, Hannukkah and Passover and you quickly find elements from centuries past. Language and culture is steeped in a blend of the old and modern. Viewing the series "Meet the Hutterites" helped and inspired me greatly on how life plays out for them in everyday life. I loved the characters and began to look forward to seeing them again and again because I identified with them in my modern life. The program was a complete favorite with me.