This weird comedy begins in a way that may make you wonder if it will be worth your time. If you like bizarre, dark humor and some farce in your comedy, then the payoff will be coming your way.
A rural Thai family resents the hell out of a couple of Caucasian guys - an American and a Brit - who married two of their women. One night a massacre occurred around the parents' farmhouse and the Brit quickly becomes the main suspect. The local police chief has already made up his mind about the guilt of this outsider. The early part of the movie is his grilling the survivors, pushing hard to confirm his conclusion. Most of that unfolds as a semi-zany version of Rashomon.
The last 20-30 minutes are golden in unraveling the absurd chain of events that ended with such a liberal scattering of corpses in an unlikely setting. Very cleverly written and staged in building to its highly entertaining conclusion.