TUBB THE PIRATE: Tubb wishes he were brave. If only he were a pirate, he wouldn't be afraid! But when Tubb the Pirate and Sploshybeard get blasted by cannonballs while searching for treasure... Read allTUBB THE PIRATE: Tubb wishes he were brave. If only he were a pirate, he wouldn't be afraid! But when Tubb the Pirate and Sploshybeard get blasted by cannonballs while searching for treasure. Tubb finds pirates aren't always brave after all.TUBB THE PIRATE: Tubb wishes he were brave. If only he were a pirate, he wouldn't be afraid! But when Tubb the Pirate and Sploshybeard get blasted by cannonballs while searching for treasure. Tubb finds pirates aren't always brave after all.