The coffee clutch commercial was the tip off that this revamp would be horrible. To be fair I think we've all been there sometime in our lives. Put in some position, told it'll be fantastic only to realize it's a totally loser and the position and you will take one Lou Lou of a hit to get out of it, meanwhile the person who created this disaster moves on with more $. Well welcome to the new CNN morning disaster. Lemon, Harlow and Collins will always be known as those unfortunate ppl who were put together for a revamp of a show that didn't need a revamp. From their first coffee clutch commercial (looking back I'm shocked now executes didn't have one of the females in an apron serving the coffee - (It'll be great! Really get those older Fox men viewers and Don's snappy clothes will reel in the MSNBC youngsters))to the deliberate dumbing down of viewers IQ it's a painful clusterfuc$. It's been unwatchable except for the rare exception when John Berman was back doing election analysis (that type of real news required facts and figures not warm and fuzzy snippet "opinions" now outlawed in that slot.) Looking back what in the heck did these (heaven only knows how they became) executives think this awful show would accomplish except horrible ratings? Well they've screwed the pooch and ruined 3 peoples names in the process. It's time for those executives to cut and run and apologize to whatever viewers are left for their horrible lack of judgement. It's not really Lemon and Harlow and Collins fault. This show was doa.