We seem to go from fun, lighthearted in some episodes to deep and intense with STSNW following up with story-lines that mirror life in our world with perceptions from several centuries from now. Yet PTSD is still all too real in the veterans from the Klingon war. The deeper layers of torment from the horrors come forward in veterans under certain circumstances. It's why war isn't acceptable and is no solution with no winners, just profiteers. So it's the kind of episode that says "hey veterans, we get what your were called to do and what you've survived." In addition, there were/are nurses near the front lines that also have PTSD. Flashbacks are all too real. The character arcs and story lines unfolding throughout the series are really good.
The revelation and twist at the end was surprising. The last line is priceless. I think for some heroes that survive that line will speak to them, but I pray that it's not entirely true. In my work with veterans and active duty, I've witnessed lots of things that would contradict it. Admittedly, sadly, not always. Amazing performance by Babs. Well produced and directed.