Sorata is a normal student living in an abnormal dorm and he wants desperately to escape. However, his plans are put on hold when a new student moves in.
Sorata's determination to move out of Sakura hall is questioned by his dorm mates. As he tries to distance himself from Shiina, a rumor causes him to race to her side.
Nanami has overworked herself with taking care of Shiina, her jobs, and voice acting school. Her midterm presentation is coming up, and she is in no shape to take it.
If Mashiro and Nanami weren't enough, Sorata has to deal with someone who has known him all his life. The jealousy between these three rivals will bring Sorata to his knees.
Sorata has based the first round of the game competition! His time is now devoted to mastering his oral presentation and dealing with Mashiro's newly found interest in discovering what love is.
Mashiro's English school friend, Rita, turns up on the doorstep to flip everyone's world upside down. Meanwhile, the gang finally meets the elusive occupant of Room 102: Akasaka Ryunosuke!
Work becomes backlogged, and the group decides that bringing in an additional artist is the solution. However, no one can match Mashiro's one but Rita.
When Mashiro invites Sorata to the roof on Valentine's Day, his mind is a flurry with possibility. But when an emergency phone call comes from Nanami, the plan changes.