Eighth television series dedicated to the narrative universe of Lupine III.
It is a prequel series that narrates the adventures of Lupine during his adolescence.
The series was released in 2022 (to celebrate 50 years since the release of the first Lupine III television series) and has only six episodes, 25 minutes each.
Lupine Zero is set in Japan in the 1960s and briefly tells us about the vicissitudes of a still adolescent Lupine III, his first meeting with Jigen Dausuke and the complicated relationship with his family of thieves.
Some characters are also introduced in the series for the first time, such as Yoko, who will be the female protagonist.
The series itself isn't bad: short, dynamic and well drawn. The characters are fun and the episodes are pretty funny.
On the other hand, however, the series is perhaps too short, the plot told in just six episodes seems prolonged. There is no time to adequately delve into the situations and characters, and this flaw is very evident.
It also doesn't add much to the story of Lupine III, making the series seem a bit pointless... a simple spin-off to be easily sold to hardcore fans.
Furthermore, in my opinion there are also some continuity errors in the characters' stories. But being a franchise with over 50 years of history and hundreds of episodes, there may be some inconsistencies.
Personally, I do not advise against this series nor do I highly recommend it.
In short, it is an end in itself, but overall it is quite enjoyable.
Good vision.