Late at night... the movie said the Utah mountains... I grew up in Utah so I thought, what the heck, I would give it a try. Halfway through I turned it off, thinking what the heck was that all about. I then saw somebody gave it 7 stars with spoilers. Perfect, I thought. Maybe a clue as to what it's about. The reviewer had over 500 reviews. After troweling through 300 without finding the one I wanted, I gave up looking. Thought to myself, this poor soul needs to find a life.
So, my view of the movie. To begin with I doubt the two lead males could have possibly hooked up with the female leads. The girls were attractive and... well I'll leave it at that. Second, the IMDb review said the movie had a budget of 3 million dollars. Come on. Maybe $600.00 dollars to rent the mountain condo. Another $300.00 for a rental car and a hundred bucks for gas. Miscellaneous costs couldn't have been but a few thousand at most. So if this thing cost 3 million, and I was an investor, I would definitely want to see all the receipts.
In all honesty... the movie was horrible.