- Policeman: This is a formal interview under caution. Do you understand that, Fenton? Hey, do you understand?
- Arbor: Yeah.
- Policeman: A witness saw two youths burning railway or communications cable.
- Michelle 'Shelly' Fenton: That's nowt to do with him.
- Policeman: Cable theft is a very serious crime, Mrs. Fenton. Trespass on the railway is £1,000 fine.
- Arbor: I ain't been on railway.
- Policeman: Vandalism, endangering lives, maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
- Michelle 'Shelly' Fenton: He's just a kid. He ain't nicked no cable. You're looking at wrong place.
- Policeman: He is, as you say, Mrs. Fenton, a minor. There's unscrupulous people out there getting kids to do their dirty work so they don't get into trouble with the police themselves.