The Wind is a short film Based on a story by Al Mauro, about a boy heading down a dark path, who meets a mysterious young girl named 'Sorina' and what follows is a journey between the lines ... Read allThe Wind is a short film Based on a story by Al Mauro, about a boy heading down a dark path, who meets a mysterious young girl named 'Sorina' and what follows is a journey between the lines of reality and fiction. As years pass, it becomes clear that Sorina is more than she appea... Read allThe Wind is a short film Based on a story by Al Mauro, about a boy heading down a dark path, who meets a mysterious young girl named 'Sorina' and what follows is a journey between the lines of reality and fiction. As years pass, it becomes clear that Sorina is more than she appears and to young Sam, he must come to grips with the truth. Filled with powerful performanc... Read all