This is one of those shows that comes along once in a while and it literally makes you laugh out loud at every single moment. The show revolves around a young boy named Martin Moone...who is a bit of a buffoon, which leads to numerous shenanigans...all the while Martin is guided by his trusty imaginary friend named Shaun Murphy, who is a bit plain as imaginary friends go, which kind of describes the type of person Martin is...if you're looking for a good time, a laugh a minute period piece...yes...this is set in the late 80s in Ireland, then look no further. Moone Boy delivers blow after comedic blow and the supporting cast is just as good, from the Moone parents and siblings, to Padraig, Martin's best friend, whose imaginary friend Crunchy Danger Haystacks is just as entertaining as anyone else. This is an ensemble gem that deserves your attention. I only give it a 9 out of 10, because I reserve that 10th star for something that is absolutely the best show or movie ever made, IN MY OPINION of course, but this show has entertained me just as much as anything ever made, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.