There are times when a talented and/or charming cast of actors can save a badly written/scripted movie, but in Tennessee Queer, the amateurish acting only makes it all worse.
Gay-bashing & bigotry towards both the LGBT community and Blacks remain a deplorable reality even as we start the 21st century and any effort to expose its ugly existence is laudable. Exploiting the problem as an excuse to produce a childish, badly acted movie, however, is counter-productive and neither informs nor entertains. "We" can do better than this.
There have been many movies produced that sensitively & successfully combine drama and humor in dealing with bullying, prejudice & ignorance and the harmful consequences they have on so many. Tennessee Queer almost appears to lampoon the issue with unintended humor and soap-opera farcical drama.
I applaud the intentions of this production but not the results. If you want to see an excellent, realistic portrayal of community healing, a gay pride parade and excellent acting, watch the British movie "Pride," for example.