The Christmas rush impedes Scrooge's purchase of a turkey. The Grinch's heart dangerously grows three sizes instantly. A family fends off their Cousin Kevin during the Christmas season. By the time Bennet proposes, Ellie is frozen stiff.
A parody of High School Musical with homeschooled students; a class of 3rd graders rob a zoo; a glimpse into the life of Teen Yoda; Miss Frizzle's Performance Review; High School present a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet.
A rookie commentator. A soccer match comes down to Scott Sterling. Elderly football team owner goes undercover. Gymnastics parents perform their own routine. Skate Park Disaster. Scott Sterling is BACK. Chess game spins out of control.
Downton Abbey starring Dalton Johnson. Who Wants to Be A Millionaire Fail. Breaking Bad for kids. Chopped, with an unexpected ingredient. The Walking Dead Survival Guide. Stranger Things. Dora the Explorer as a middle-aged woman.