I don't know why. I LOVE this movie. I've watched it three or four times, and every time I just crack up. It's scary in parts. Legitimately frightening, without getting dark or resorting merely to jump-scares.
I love making fun of the ghost hunting industry. That might be why. I get really really exhausted with films and shows that take themselves too seriously. This one never does. It has some production value, but mostly it nudges firmly into parody.
Here's the thing - I don't know what to tell you about why you should or shouldn't watch this movie. There's a difference between cliche and parody, and this is clearly parody. No, I don't think it was ever trying to be serious. I think it's all heart, and belly-laughs. Also, Michigan. *shakes head*
I think I might have to consult Alasdair Stuart. He'd know.