This game has a crazy and awesome story to it!
Many games created these days are lacking any real story that isn't dragged down with social justices, real world politics, in your face messaging and of course shaming the player for something.
This game has none of that!
THIS game is very simple... But it's true to itself! While simple, each action is not without its importance!
I definitely was hesitant to buy the game as the videos i saw showed me the areas that really needed work. (Like npcs mouths not moving or weird connection tabs on their arms)
But the simple, thrilling and at times scary gameplay really made up for this! I forgot about the odd graphical issues altogether and just simply enjoyed the game!
The story is solid and fun. The gameplay is spooky and engaging. The villain is inventive and creative. The ending left me wanting MORE!
I 100% Reccomend this game and hope beyond hope they improve it and make a new one, or dlc! Great game!!!
My son is the one obsessed with this game and also the one who got me into it.
You're doing yourself a disservice if you skip this game.
It's short, simple and cheap.
Try it!!