When Monika is in the American bar and is shown fiddling with her hair, from Brody's view of her, her (left) hand is below her chin; from behind her view to Brody shot, her hand is on her chin: plus soon afterwards flicking her hair back behind her neck (from Brody's viewpoint), when next to from behind her viewpoint shot, it still remains over her shoulder.
When Anna calls the front desk saying she is moving to 415 and leaves, Julia enters the 203 room to clean. The 203 door is completely different from the door Anna had just left. It was a completely different room.
When Olivia Wilde's character is locked out of Liam Neeson's character hotel room, she is completely naked and in such conditions she runs down the corridor and stairs towards her own room. When she enters it, she can be seen wearing knickers.
In the scene that Anna looks at her iPhone in Paris, it shows the carrier as AT&T. AT&T doesn't offer service in Paris. One of the local phone carriers would come up on her iPhone screen, even if her home service was with AT&T.
Elaine calls Michael, who glances at his phone and tells Anna it's Elaine and he has to pick up. But Elaine tells him that her phone is soaked and she has a new number. If she has a new number, how did Michael know who was calling? Elaine then dictates her new number to Michael. But the number is displayed on Michael's mobile phone, so it's unnecessary to write it down.
In the scene that Anna looks at her iPhone in Paris, it shows the carrier as AT&T. AT&T doesn't offer service in Paris. One of the local phone carriers would come up on her iPhone screen, even if her home service was with AT&T.