Seriously? 10 Stars? If that's not the film-makers and their buddies trying hard to get noticed, then those are clearly some retarded people.
I'm a big horror fan, and I have nothing against a good western - though it's not a favorite genre of mine, either.
If you're either a horror or a western fan, this would be worth watching - if you don't have anything better to do.
This is a low-budget production, and the film-makers have done a very good job here, considering what they're working with: no-name actors and not much money or high-end special-effects. The effects are TV quality, but the acting is decent enough. Some of the scenes and extras are a bit out of place, not up to the quality you might expect to see - like some of the house roof-tops look a little too modern for the old west. Small things like that detract from the overall effort, but it's easy enough to overlook if you're not being too picky. Decent story and plot. It can be entertaining enough, if you allow it to be. So, while it's obviously not a big-budget studio effort, that doesn't mean it doesn't have its' moments.
This movie is "okay" - definitely closer to rating this a "3" than I would be a "5." If you are not a horror or a western fan, I would try looking at something else before recommending this movie to anyone.