The opening scene music is "Utopia" by Todd Rundgren, who is Liv Tyler's step-father. She was born "Liv Rundgren". In fact, there are no less than four Todd Rundgren tracks on the soundtrack, and receives a thanks in the credits.
The hand-held orange game Sunshine played with was the 1977 Milton Bradley game called Comp 4 they were blue Not orange.
the game would let you choose to play either 4 or 5 numbers, the game chose the numbers and you had to figure out what the numbers were and the correct order they are in. using the process of elimination .
when you get it right all the lights flash to celebrate .
mine still works 46 years later.
The shuttle to take Steve and Donna to Space Station 8 is operated by Koenig Shipping. This is likely a homage to Walter Koenig, better known as Pavel Chekov, the pilot and engineer in the Star Trek series, or a nod to Commander John Koenig from Space: 1999, with which this movie shares similarities.
Jessica's father is played by 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
& 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) actor Keir Dullea
The gun used by Liv Tyler's character as seen in the trailer is a Sega Saturn light gun painted white. You can even make out the start button on the side.